Q: How to you offer lower prices than the major ISPs in the area?
A: While making a profit is important to any for-profit company, Lee Wireless wants to make it simple and affordable too. We do not have the added costs that typical large ISPs incur, such as call centers, fleets of vehicles, tons of employees, and thousands and thousands of miles of buried and above ground infrastructure that require maintenance.
Q: Why don’t you offer slower speeds for customers that do not use the internet often?
A: We wanted to do that from the beginning, but found it unsustainable. Slow speed plans are unprofitable for us and waste valuable airtime.
Q: Do you offer service in my area?
A: Check out our Coverage Map for that information. You can also contact us here with questions.
Q: Are there any service contracts?
A: No contracts!
Q: You say your monthly rates are flat. Will you raise prices like the major ISPs do?
A: That is probably the most important question asked! Plans and prices may change over time. Existing customers are grandfathered into their existing plans and rates as long as the account stays current (paid up).
Q: How is your network set up?
A: Our network is fiber-backed. We utilize high gain horn antennas that offer a blanket of coverage to select areas, similar to a cellular tower. We prefer to use client roofs to expand coverage in order to save on recurring costs. Tower leases are expensive! The only copper we use is from your roof CPE radio to your Wifi Router in the form of CAT5e/CAT6 cable.
Q: What is the installation cost for?
A: Especially since we are a small business starting from scratch, getting just once house set up will cost much more than our installation charge. It helps covers the cost of the customer premises equipment we use during the install, such as the roof mounted radio, antenna mast, the cable, associated hardware, etc…
Q: What if I have trouble with my connection?
A: Contact us immediately. We will get to the bottom of whatever your connection’s ailments are. No, we do not charge for service calls if the problem is with our equipment.
Q: If I cancel service, do I get to keep the equipment?
A: No. We will remove all equipment, less the antenna mast base and some cables that are anchored onto the roof and wall. This is to keep the roof and wall sealed from water ingress.
Q: Do you sell my information?
A: No, we DO NOT sell your information. We are in the business of providing internet service. If we cannot make a profit doing so, we would rather fold than resort to selling information to advertisers. We respect your privacy.
Q: Are there any other ISPs like yours in the area?
A: Yes, there are; however, they are NOT created equal. Some are great. Some specialize in long-distance rural applications only. Some offer ridiculous prices. I will not even mention those. We do not view any of these companies as rivals. I actually have a profound respect for the likes of Southwestern Wireless; and in particular, JackRabbit Wireless. They espouse the same ideals that I do. Therefore, if you are in their service area, I wholeheartedly recommend them!